Hey remember that rule you were taught in Kindergarten?

Turns out it applies to adulthood too.

As a web design company, we come into contact with a lot of types of vendors to get projects done. This includes photographers, videographers, and print companies (to name a few). I believe that how you treat these people is indicative of how you’d treat your clients and run your business.

One of our golden rules here is to treat others the way we’d want to be treated- or better. This doesn’t just apply to clients who we have something to gain for, it applies to e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e.

So how does it look put into practice?

  • We don’t suddenly transform into entitled, demanding brats when it comes to our vendors.
  • We pay invoices quickly.
  • We own up to our mistakes and work through issues.
  • We respond promptly and provide feedback quickly.
  • And when possible, we try to refer work back to our vendors.

It isn’t just about professionalism, it’s about integrity.

Are you treating all your business partners (and clients) the way you’d want to be treated? If not, we can tell it to you straight.

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