Being an insider in the industry has its perks. We understand our competitors and therefore know all the more how to market ourselves to communicate what sets us apart.

Perhaps you’re in the “research” phase and going from site to site to determine which company you want to call and pursue? What you find is we’re all saying the same thing and so in your eyes it’s apples to apples. But we all know that’s not the truth. For our industry (and yours), not all companies are the same.

So how do you discern? Maybe I can help you with some pointers.

1. Are they practicing what they preach?

So if they say they build customs website that are responsive, is their own site responsive? Use this responsive checker and see for yourself. As you browse through the site, check for consistencies (or inconsistencies).

2. Do you like the way their site looks?

This is obvious, but look around their site. Does it look appealing and would you be happy if your site had a similar style? Do the other websites they’ve created look like something you would want?

3. Check external reviews

Any company would be wise to put favorable reviews on their website, but check for third party (unbiased) sources. Google reviews, Yelp, etc. are a good starting point. It’s always good to get a full understanding of the company from research that you do on your own without their influence.

(ProTip: Talk to other designers and print shops to see who they recommend for web services. They usually deal with us and how to treat other people outside from clients is a REALLY good indicator)

Of course, you can give us researching altogether and work with us 😉


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